Winter Wedding Pocketfold Invite- 12.13.14

Winter Wedding Pocketfold Invite with 12.13.14, Winter Branches and Glitter Accents We created 2 winter themed wedding pocket style invites with the 12.13.14 date in mind. This year a lot of weddings will take place on December 13 due to the face that when numerically spelled out it is 12.13.14 and only happens once in a lifetime and happens to be on a Saturday perfect for someone planning a wedding. The cover of this pocket-fold invite has 3 layers of cardstock. The first layer is the actual custom pocket-fold in a iced silver cardstock. The next layer is a glittered cardstock, the first sample showing a fuchsia color and the second sample a royal blue color. The third layer the iced silver cardstock with a design printed on it. The evergreen branches are highlighted with glitter where the snow is on the branches adding dimension and a special touch for a very elegant appeal.

For this winter themed invite we used a fuchsia, white and winter green as the color palate for a colorful winter theme.

For this invite we used royal blue, white and a touch of silver as the color palate for a more traditional winter theme. This pocket-fold is one of our custom designs. The cover lifts up and the top portion is where the invitation wording is printed then the bottom half has a custom pocket that holds the response card, reception card and accommodations card.

On the inside of this invite we carried the branch motif and used the use of the fuchsia with the winter green creates a striking invitation. The large Y initial adds a lot of interest as well.

For this invite was also used the branch motif but as a watermark touch. The monogram at the bottom of the pocket adds color in a subdued way. Both these invites used the same custom pocket-fold yet by changing colors, fonts and use of graphics they have totally different looks and are a good example of how we can take any design and change it to fit your personal style and colors. to learn more about how we can custom create the perfect invite for your next event feel free to email us at: or visit our website at:

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