Motown themed centerpiece with faux record player

The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association with be holding this year's 70th annual convention in Maui, Hawaii. We are so excited to be a part of this convention and special celebration by providing 115 centerpieces for their main event. Human Nature will be providing Motown music so we created a centerpiece on the Motown theme. For the base we created a faux turn style record player with a real 33 record mounted to it. On the side we have glittered knobs for the volume, bass and treble. On top of the 33 record with mounted a 45 record with a custom label using the SMACNA logo and event into. We also created a custom Styrofoam cutout of the SMSCNA logo and some custom cut stars. To compliment our 45 record with created a custom album cover and featured Human Nature on the cover. For more info on this centerpiece or to have us create something special for you email us at: or visit our website at:

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