Kentucky Derby Women Jockey Silks

We automatically think of Kentucky Derby jockeys as males but there have been women that have run the race, Diane Crump, Patti "P.J." Cooksey, Andrea Seefeldt, Julie Krone, Rosemary Homeister and Rosie Napravnik.
We noticed there were no fun jockey silks with a design with women in mind so we created some fun styrofoam jockey silk cutouts.
Jockey silk styrofoam cutout with leopard - Designs by Ginny jockey silk styrofoam cutout with zebra - Designs by Ginny jockey silk styrofoam cutout with red and pink roses - Designs by Ginny   
We created one with a leopard print, zebra print and red and pink roses print for some really unique and fun jockey silk styrofoam cutouts. Each silk is accented with some glitter on the sleeves, neck and cap. Trim down the front adds a bit more detail for a classic look.
jockey silk styrofoam cutout - Designs by Ginny jockey silk styrofoam cutout - Designs by Ginny jockey silk styrofoam cutout - Designs by Ginny
These samples show a jockey silk with small red roses or pink roses. Changing the color of the sleeves, neck and cap create a different feel. A number can be added and used as a table number. The jockey silk cutout can also be used as a stand alone for a table number. We can add to the back to make it free standing.
jockey silk red roses with silver vase centerpiece - Designs by Ginny Red roses jockey silk centerpiece - Designs by Ginny
Run for the Roses is the theme of the Kentucky Derby so we added bases to our jockey silk cutout to create a complete centerpiece. Although we used the red roses in both each has it's own unique look.
jockey silk styrofoam centerpiece - Designs by Ginny jockey silk styrofoam zebra centerpiece - Designs by Ginny 
Tiffany blue glitter with the zebra print and silver and black trim make this jockey silk cutout a real standout. In the first sample we just added one our our custom round glittered base, in the second picture we added some silk tiffany blue roses and silk greenery and black bow to create an out of the box thinking centerpiece.
jockey silk leopard centerpiece - Designs by Ginny
In our leopard sample we used one of our metallic tissue bases with black and pink metallic tissue and custom leopard tissue puffs.
You can view more of our horse themed centerpiece at:

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