Casino themed Bar Mitzvah

Cha Ching goes the slot machine! Well......not exactly but I am sure this was a fun party just the same. Casino was the party theme for Jordan's Bar Mitzvah.

We created a custom slot machine for Jordan and used pictures of him growing up in the section where the numbers and cherries would normally spin. These have a real working lever to give it the real feel. Each slot machine sat on a different themed based from a deck of cards, using a heart, spade, club and diamond. Money flowed down the slot for a

big payout!             We also made a centerpiece to resemble a roulette wheel with moving parts. So take a spin and see where it lands.

You could play the board using bingo chips and let it be more than just a centerpiece. To see more of our custom centerpiece please visit our website at: To place an order or for more info email:

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